flannel flower

flannel flower


walking distance: 5.2 km
duration: 0:00 h
walking: 0:00 h
elevation diff: m
location: Bouddi
driving distance: 88 km
driving time: 1:23 h
water available:
parking: -33.5341,151.3473

gps tracks

Total distance: 5243 m
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Download file: bouddi_peninsula_cache.gpx



Bouddi National Park

Closed areas: No access to Old Wagstaffe trail through private property
There is no public access to Old Wagstaffe trail through private property. Signs show where public access is not permitted. 
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact the NPWS Central Coast area office on 02 4320 4200.



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