This is a planned trip. The content of this page can be wildly inaccurate, the images are most likely stolen from the internet. I have never been there and I have no idea what to expect. This page should NOT be visible and accessible by visitors.
walking distance: 11.2 kmduration: 0:00 h
walking: 0:00 h
elevation diff: 431 m
location: Popran National Park
driving distance: 86 km
driving time: 1:05 h
water available: yes
parking: -33.3751,151.1936
gps tracks
Total distance: 11225 m
Max elevation: 302 m
Min elevation: 139 m
Total climbing: 431 m
Download file: Emerald-Pool.gpxMax elevation: 302 m
Min elevation: 139 m
Total climbing: 431 m
Track notes
Popran National Park
Safety alerts: Ironbark Road access to picnic area - last 850m 4WD only
The last 850m of Ironbark Road (Crown Road) to access Ironbark picnic area is currently limited to 4WD vehicles only.
This section is not suitable for conventional 2WD vehicles due to a severely eroded hill along the Crown Road.
Visitors to this section of the park travelling by conventional 2WD vehicles will need to walk the last 850 metres to access the park and Ironbark picnic area.