walking distance: 9.5 kmduration: 6:51 h
walking: 2:55 h
elevation diff: 606 m
location: blue mountains
driving distance: km
driving time: 1.5 h
water available: yes
parking: -33.6583,150.3643

gps tracks
Total distance: 9730 m
Max elevation: 955 m
Min elevation: 741 m
Total climbing: 651 m
Total time: 06:50:47
Download file: 18-04-02-fortres-ridge-canyon.gpxMax elevation: 955 m
Min elevation: 741 m
Total climbing: 651 m
Total time: 06:50:47
Track notes
































Hi there, absolutely love these photos of yours on Fortress Creek Canyon Exit. I was hoping you could explain where this is and how to get down to Fortress Creek Canyon by walking? Thank you!