walking distance: 7.9 kmduration: 5:17 h
walking: 2:45 h
elevation diff: 437 m
location: budderoo national park
driving distance: km
driving time: 2 h
water available: yes
parking: -34.6258,150.6557

gps tracks
Total distance: 8058 m
Max elevation: 569 m
Min elevation: 432 m
Total climbing: 444 m
Total time: 05:17:53
Download file: 19-11-04-carrington_falls_bottom.gpxMax elevation: 569 m
Min elevation: 432 m
Total climbing: 444 m
Total time: 05:17:53
Track notes
start at Izzards lookout
This has just become my new favourite short walk! Your excellent video just adds to the appeal! It’s a wonderland down there.
After exploring down the track, my kids and I returned and went down the Missingham Steps than traversed directly across and then up this track. It was fantastic!
Finding the “track” from the bottom is the tricky (and scary) part in this pretty rugged gorge. Such a tiny crack in hundreds of meters of the impassable cliff. Missingham Steps is on my list to do!
Missingham Steps is absolutely worthwhile. But they too can be really hard to find from the bottom. I’m getting a feel for it now.
I expected my off piste Missingham to Izzard’s direct route to be arduous. It wasn’t at all. It was beautiful, tranquil and easy.
I’m itching to try it now :-) Thank you for the recommendation! I always thought that Missingham steps connected to Stevo’s track across the valley and that upstream hike from there was very difficult.
You’re entirely correct! Missingham does connect to and is in effect part of the Stevos loop track. I’ve done that track several times, and it too is a great walk. It’s also the best way to go. The upstream hike is indeed difficult and not recommended. I know this from experience.
The walk I did recently is not a prescribed walk and there is no track of any nature. It shouldn’t be attempted without some accumulated knowledge.
This traverses high above the river hugging the base of the cliff. It does not ascend the river. I could see no evidence of anyone having been there before and I’m not trying to advertise it.
I’m guess I’m just saying that this area is awesome and has so many nocks and grannies to explore.
My kids and I repeated our walk last weekend via the ‘holy rock’.
wow. this rock is incredible! I need to find it! thank you for sharing Greg.