walking distance: 10.5 kmduration: 5:40 h
walking: 10:13 h
elevation diff: 830 m
location: Bungonia
driving distance: 195 km
driving time: 2 h
water available: yes
parking: -34.8015,150.0178

gps tracks
Total distance: 10955 m
Max elevation: 570 m
Min elevation: 118 m
Total climbing: 825 m
Total time: 05:35:57
Download file: 13-11-24bungonia1.gpx
Max elevation: 570 m
Min elevation: 118 m
Total climbing: 825 m
Total time: 05:35:57
Total distance: 8177 m
Max elevation: 570 m
Min elevation: 115 m
Total climbing: 712 m
Total time: 04:57:33
Download file: 15-11-02-bungonia2_joined.gpxMax elevation: 570 m
Min elevation: 115 m
Total climbing: 712 m
Total time: 04:57:33
Track notes
trip notes:
tough descent and ascent. fair bit of walk in a dry river bed on large stones/pebbles.
absolutely stunning canyon with huge marble boulders.
plenty of water available
multiple camping spots
very deep caves nearby
actual timing:
DAY 1:
10:00 start
10:20 detour
11:10 back on track
12:00 half way through descent
not sure when we reached the bottom
not sure when we started to walk
3:00 past the boulders
4:30 reached camping
DAY 2:
10:30 start back
11:15 reached sholaheaven
1:10 start of the climb
3:00 top
3:30 car park