walking distance: 5.7 kmduration: 7:14 h
walking: 4:56 h
elevation diff: 608 m
location: wollemi
driving distance: 75 km
driving time: 1:30 h
water available: yes
parking: -33.4057,150.6476

gps tracks
Max elevation: 595 m
Min elevation: 24 m
Total climbing: 550 m
Total time: 07:14:20
Track notes
4-6km return
from Mountain Lagoon
T3 Track, Mountain Lagoon: To commence this walk you can either park your car in Sam’s Way off Mountain Lagoon Road near the NPWS sign, or take the 4WD track to the end. The track is well sign-posted and leads down to the junction of the Colo River and Tootie Creek; consequently the climb back up is steep. There are side tracks that lead to Cabbage Tree Creek & Condor Trig.
Beware: Clif Warning
Grade: Hard
Hours: 3 – 4 hours return
The T3 Walking Track is accessed from Mountain Lagoon. This track is some 3km long and descends to the junction of the Colo River and Tootie Creek. This is a fantastic walk, but the walk out is fairly difficult, being straight up more-or-less. It is a walk with great views.
“There’s a massive sand bank about 100m S of the junction most of the time, where the T3 Track comes out. Great camping! You’d probably have it to yourself.”