walking distance: kmduration: ? h
walking: 0:00 h
elevation diff: m
driving distance: km
driving time: h
water available:
parking: -33.4827,150.2651

Track notes
Coordinates: S33° 28.889′ E150° 15.971′ (WGS 84)
56H 245976E 6291988N (UTM)
1. DARGAN ARCH. Very Easy (1hour return). Wollangambe GR4599920
At Mt Victoria turn right at the lights and drive along the Darling Causeway till you come to the intersection with the Bells Line of Road at Bell. Turn right (east)as if heading towards Mt Wilson and take the first turn on your left into Sandham Road. Drive along Sandham Rd for the next 3.5km or so until you get GR4559122. On your right there should be a turnoff/firetrail with a Electricity Commission of NSW white power-pole indicator “384” nailed to a tree. Turn off here and park your cars 30m down the firetrail at a clearing under the power lines. Continue walking NNE down the firetrail for about 500metres and then continue along the vague foot track till you reach the bend in the ravine/canyon section of the side creek on your left. The arch is on this bend. You can scramble down to the left(west) side of the arch and get into the ravine for a view from under the arch. Note the rock climbers bolts here and on the opposite cliff face. It’s worth having an explore of the pagodas, ravines and cave/overhangs in this area if you have the time.
Dargan Arch is a small rocky arch left after the collapse of the cave roof many thousands of years ago.
The arch itself is quite wide enough to walk safely on and cross over to the other side. This area is also used by climbers and the arch is bolted in several places.
The bottom of the collapsed cave is accessible with care and you can then explore the defile and the caves and overhangs around. In the wet or after rain the small canyon would be treacherous if not flooded as it is fed by a fairly large area all flowing into a small cirque (also a collapse cave).